Whose car is it? Quickly discover the registration information for a car!

Registration number search by SMS

Do you want to know the owner of a car? The registration number search allows you to discover the registration information and other important vehicle details with an SMS search.

How to perform a registration number search

Discover car owner details with ease using a registration number!
Text REGISTRATION NUMBER (e.g. ABC-123 or ABC123) to 020202

You will receive the registration information and details about the owner and possible holder in the return message.

Looking for a motorcycle?
Text MP REGISTRATION NUMBER (e.g. MP AB-123) to 020202.

Hot tip! If the SMS search doesn’t work, try sending your message using Finland’s country code (+358), i.e. use the number +35820202. 

020202 on rekisterinumerohaku tekstiviestillä

Service rates

The registration number search costs €4.90. If the registration number returns no details, you will get your next registration number search free of charge. The free search is valid for 30 days.

Additional services:

  • A phone number search using the owner’s or holder’s name costs €2.50.
  • Searching for the complete vehicle details (technical information and history) costs €2.50.
  • A vehicle price estimate search costs €3.50.
Piirroskuva puhelimesta

You can perform a vehicle search in the following vehicle categories

  • car
  • motorcycle
  • trailer
  • moped
  • tractor
  • motorised work machine
  • off-road vehicle
  • snowmobile
  • transfer badge
  • export registration

Check vehicle information with a registration number search

Performing a registration number search will return the following information:

  • Vehicle owner details and the name and address details of the potential holder
  • Potential restrictions and remarks
  • Time of the most recent inspection and next annual inspection
  • Vehicle commissioning date, first registration, number of vehicle registration certificates and result dates
  • Vehicle status and usage
  • Mileage
  • Insurance company
  • Vehicle category, make and model
  • Serial number, type-approval number, variance and version
  • Vehicle colour, propulsion and consumption, engine displacement, engine power, gross weight

02 Rekkari is a convenient web-based registration number search

Find out a vehicle’s owner, technical information, owner history and other details quickly, easily and reliably on the 02 Rekkari website.

02 Rekkari is a browser-based car registration number search, which allows you to search for vehicle information and the owner’s contact details using a registration number and vehicle type. The registration number search gets you the vehicle data you need and lets you know the contact details of the owner and holder in accordance with your chosen search package.

02 Rekkari also allows you to get a valuation for a vehicle. 02 Rekkari’s valuation is based on the actual selling prices of similar vehicles, which helps you to determine the right price for your car. All you need is the registration number.


Search for car information by phone

020202 Rekisterinumerohaku offers invaluable help when you want to buy your dream car and need more information on the vehicle based on the registration number or when you need to contact the owner or holder of the car. 020202 is a hassle-free registration number search offering service across a variety of channels.

You can search for a car’s details by performing an SMS search or by calling 020202. The customer service agents at our telephone service will go through all the necessary information with you. After the call, we can also send you the vehicle details by SMS or email. Check the call charges here.

Easily check car information or missing contact details by calling 020202!

The information of the 02 registration number search is meant to be used in situations where details about a vehicle are needed. These include situations where you might be looking into buying or selling a car as well as situations where you need to get hold of the owner or holder of a vehicle.
The registration number search allows you to check the reliability of information related to a vehicle and its owner.

A contact search conducted as an additional service in connection with a registration number search is run against the in 020202 Palvelut database using the owner’s or holder’s name. Since the search is based on a name, we cannot guarantee that the contact details we find belongs to the owner or holder given in Traficom’s registration information.

Before using the service, please note that any illegal use of the information the service provides or any use of the information that in any way compromises a person’s right to privacy is strictly prohibited.

The information the service provides is meant mainly to be used in connection with vehicle sales in order to ensure the reliability of vehicle details and the owner, for instance by checking that the seller owns the vehicle they are selling. Other approved uses need to be related to traffic safety, vehicles, vehicle traffic or associated environmental damage, or the transport of a vehicle. By using the service, you undertake to comply with the conditions mentioned above.

A consumer can limit the disclosure of their Transport Register data provided by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom if they so wish. For more information on the non-disclosure of data, click here.