Missing a phone number?
Number search by SMS
How to perform a number search
Number search for private individuals
Number search for a company or public service
Text NAME TOWN to 020202.
Who’s number is this?
Text PHONE NUMBER (e.g. 0401234567) to 020202.
You will receive the contact details in the return message.
Hot tip! If the SMS search doesn’t work, try sending your message using Finland’s country code (+358), i.e. use the number +35820202.

Number search – what can you find out by text message?
Get a number by SMS when you need to find out something quick and easy. For example, if you have received a call on your phone and haven’t had time to answer it, you can easily find out who the owner of the number is. Finding out who called you is quick and easy.
If you’re looking for the address of someone you know, you can easily find it by SMS search. It’s typical, for example, to look for addresses for Christmas presents or birthday gifts. In such cases, you don’t want to spoil the surprise by asking the recipient for the address. Finding out the address by text message is an easy way to get the information you need.
Why is it convenient to use SMS to find a number?
Text message searches are convenient because they can be done anywhere, anytime. All you need is a working mobile phone to search for information by SMS. You don’t need to register or log in anywhere to use the service, and you can find the information you’re looking for in an instant.
Sending a text message is fast. All you need to know is the name of the person you’re looking for and where they live to get their phone number.
Service rates
The SMS search costs €4.90. If your town or city-specific search returns several results, you will receive all the information at the price of one search. Please note that we will still charge you for the search even if the information you seek cannot be found or is unavailable due to reasons beyond our control.
If the name of a person or a company you searched for returns results from other parts of Finland, you can expand your search to cover the whole of Finland for €2.90.